Text: Hebrews 10:25
Following the the LORD is wonderful! Following the LORD means being in the LORD'S meeting. What do the LORD's meetings look like? You ask. Here is the answer! In Matthew 4:23, we are told of the elements of His ministry. They are Teaching, Preaching, Healing and Caring. Again in Matthew 9:35, the Bible confirms that He taught, preached and cared in all the cities and villages.
What is teaching? This is an ideas or principles taught by an authority.(Isaiah 28:9-10)
What is Preaching? This is an act of delivering a sermon or religious address to an assembled group of people, typically in church. (Mark 4:17)
What is healing? This is the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. (Luke 13:11-13, 16; Acts 10:38)
What is Caring? This is an act of displaying kindness and concern for others. (Matthew 8:1-2, 7-9; Acts 2:44-45).
     Every Monday of the week, we have systematic study of the word of God. KNOWLEDGE is received, doctrine established and one's faith is grounded. Knowledge and wisdom are the needed ingredients of the hour for successful, victorious and fulfilled living. Wise people always want to know more. So be there with us on Mondays and will satisfy you through TEACHING.
      Our HEALING session is on Thursdays and we call it the Thursday Revival Hour Sessions. Here, the revelation is charistmatic, the power of God flows and what do we see? The lame walk, the deaf hears, the stammers speak fluently, the barren woman becomes fertile and father etc. Do not be told. Come with us every Thursday for your miracle and also rejoice with them that rejoice over your deliverance.
     On Sunday morning, we have our PREACHING sessions. The world over has set aside Sunday as a worship and our members listen to the preaching of the word of the Lord. While the fellowship is wonderful, the worship (singing, praising and praying) is distinctive. There is nothing like it anywhere. You must be there!
     In order to effectively cater individually for the needs of our members, we have HOUSE CARING FELLOWSHIP. Here, every individual is actively brought into fellowship with those in the neighbourhood and each individual is identified, LOVED and CARED for spiritually, physically, financially and materially.

MONDAY BIBLE STUDY                                       6PM
THURSDAY REVIVAL HOUR                                6PM

I pray as you participate in any of our meeting days, the favour of the Lord will be with, He will liberate you from the power of darkness, set you free into the glory of the Father and the Lord will supply all your needs according to His reaches in glory in Christ Jesus (Amen).

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